
Contact Center

Contact Center

Make your customer service better with BDS LLC
BDS LLC is a contact center service provider in the US, equipped with cutting edge technology and experienced agents, for delivering top notch customer service.
Experience and expertise at your disposal

Our highly qualified and experienced team of expert agents have an impressive average of 5+ years in the BPO industry, and are extensively sharpened with skill-sets such as communication, multitasking, problem-solving, customer service and more. They have the necessary expertise to assess customer needs quickly and effectively provide suitable solutions.

Cutting edge technology

We use the latest technological advancements to offer you services like AI-driven chat bots, analytics to track customer behaviour, voice recognition systems and more, thereby providing you with unparalleled customer experience.

Senior Management Support

Our senior management team is always there to make sure that our clients reap out the best from our contact center services so that they can deliver maximum value for their customers.

Security Assured

At our company, we are completely invested in offering the highest level of safety and security for our clients by strictly adhering to all data privacy policies. We prioritize data security and ensure that our customers’ information remains safe, secure, and confidential at all times.


  • P.O Box No 113, Centereach, New York, 11720
  • + 1725 223 8528
  • info@bds.llc


View our 2020 brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)