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Freight & Dispatch Services

Freight & Dispatch Services   BDS LLC provides the complete package of dispatch and freight services that make your life easy with 24/7 back-end support, load management, freight rate negotiations and more. 24/7 Back-end Support Our full back-end support means you can rest assured your dispatching needs are handled round…
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Medical Billing

Medical Billing / Transcription   BDS LLC is the leading medical billing and transcription service in the USA. Our team of highly trained professionals is here to help you manage your medical billing process with ease. A Team of Professionals at Your ServiceWe have acquired the services of expert human…
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Project Management

Project Management   BDS LLC is the leading provider of project management service in the US. Our team of experienced professionals offers complete execution of processes to ensure efficient and timely completion of projects, while preserving the element of uniqueness and dedication. Timely Execution of Processes We value your time…
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Contact Center

Contact Center   Make your customer service better with BDS LLC BDS LLC is a contact center service provider in the US, equipped with cutting edge technology and experienced agents, for delivering top notch customer service. Experience and expertise at your disposal Our highly qualified and experienced team of expert…
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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing   BDS LLC is the best digital marketing service provider in the USA with a team of creative, updated, and enthusiastic marketers. We will help you to make your brand digitally alive and let it reach out to more potential customers! Cutting-edge Solutions Our talented and experienced team…
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Accountancy & Taxation

Accountancy & Taxation   BDS LLC provides reliable, trusted accounting and taxation services for businesses in the US. Our services are cost-efficient and guarantee honest information sharing and legal standing. Cost-Efficiency & Reliability Our services are among the most affordable and reliable solutions available in the market today. We guarantee…
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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)